We know lot about multivitamin and minerals in the previous blog on Importance Of Multi Vitamin & Minerals and we have understood the science facts of having multivitamins can help you in many ways. It's a very controversial topic, that do multi vitamin really works in one individual. But the answers from the studies are both, yes and no. But most of the studies have shown the benefits of having multivitamins.
Having multivitamins works differently on different individual, so it's always preferred to consult your doctor, before having so.
Having High dosage of a particular multivitamin can effect your body and create toxins as well. So it's always preferred to have a correct amount the the specific multivitamin.
Many nutritionist and doctors do recommend to have a single multivitamins because, if you complete your recommendation of vitamin A from foods, and you only need Vitamin B12. Then it might be a bad idea to have multivitamins rather having only vitamin B12 tablets.
Most of the time doctor recommended multivitamin and, it's important as well. As in my previous blog we know that today's foods have Less micro nutrients because they grow by giving medicine to them.
Studies also shown that cooking foods more then 180°F can lose some of the key nutrition from foods.
The following nutrients are often reduced during cooking:
water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C and the B vitamins — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12)
fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K
minerals: primarily potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium
In fact, boiling reduces vitamin C content more than any other cooking method.
Broccoli, spinach, and lettuce may lose up to 50% or more of their vitamin C when boiled. (Link)
I'll discuss about this topic, how we lose key nutrition from foods while cooking them and how to reduce them in my another blog.
Now from my previous blog, we know two types of vitamins
water-soluble vitamin : It undergo intestinal absorption by active transport processes across enterocyte membranes, followed by transport to the liver and peripheral tissues in the portal and systemic circulations.
Fat-soluble vitamins: A vitamin that can dissolve in fats and oils. Fat-solubleat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with fats in the diet and can be stored in the body's fatty tissue. They come from plant and animal foods or dietary supplements.
Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and K. While vitamins E and K are relatively nontoxic, vitamins A and D can have toxic effects if you take more then the recommended dosage.
Having a sun bath for around 1hours may complete vitamin D intake, and it was always seen that Vitamin D toxicity is very rare but on the other hand, vitamin A toxicity is very common (link) (Link) (link).
If you are already in a healthy diet and include fresh vegetables and animal products in your daily diet, and if you take multivitamins then you can easily exceeding the daily recommendations of vitamins and minerals.
Smokers should avoid multivitamins with large amounts of beta carotene or vitamin A, as these nutrients may increase your risk of lung cancer (link)
As like vitamins, minerals as also harmful, if taken in a high dosage. For example too much of potassium can be risky who don't need that much amount, and is on going medication.
Another risk is faulty production, which may cause multivitamins to harbor much larger amounts of nutrients than intended (link)
Then For Whom multivitamins And Minerals Are Recommended For?
Everyone should have multivitamins, but its might work differently on different individual as like their life styles and eating habits.
Their are certain people who can be greatly beneficial from having multivitamin.
Vegan Diet Followers: As you know that having plants can give you many benifits with many key nutrients but, also lack in nutrients like vitamin B12, which is only found in animal products. Vegan diet also lack in some minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids (link) (link)
Pregnant Women Or Women Who Are Breastfeeding: Women in these stage should take care for their diet and lots of nutritional deficiencies occurs. Womens in this situation must consult their doctor or health nutritionist about their diet. For example, excess Vitamin A can cause birth defects (link)
Other people who may benefit from multivitamins include those who’ve undergone weight loss, surgery, are on low-calorie diets, have a poor appetite, or don't get enough nutrients from food.
Though multivitamin is not the key element to keep you healthy, if you have nutritional deficiencies then adding them is a correct choice. Be in a healthy lifestyle.
Always preferring to health doctor before having multivitamin can be a safe choice.
Eating a healthy diet can fulfill your deficiency as well. So, eat clean and stay healthy.